
Showing posts from January, 2018

Description of my new blog "Subjective Algorithms"

I'm planning to use this blog to link youtube videos that I'll be recording (if I have enough time...) during this year. Through these videos I'll be going deeper in the research that I'm working on regarding "Big Data, Cognitive Extension, Self-Organizing Processes and Economic Development", since I want to increase its diffusion and to keep it recorded in the web for future and remote collaborators. Some of the topics that I'll cover in this blog will be: Section "Big Data - Readings": Ray Kurzweill's "The Singularity is Near" Nick Bostrom's "Superintelligence" Martin Ford's "The Rise of the Robots" N.Y.Harari's "Homo Deus" Evgeny Morozov's "To Save Something..." Yochai Benkler's "The Wealth of Networks" Section "Cognitive Extension": Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Computer Vision Algorithms Natural Language Processing...

Description of the section "Economic Development"

I'm planning to use this section to link videos in which I'll speak about Economics of Development in order to understand how we can improve the live of the rest of the world, which is not trivial. Some of the topics that I'ld like to cover will be: * Economic Theories * Economics of Knowledge * Remarkable initiatives * Relax! Not So Easy! etc.

Description of the section "Self-Organizing Processes"

I'm planning to use this section to link videos in which I'll speak about what I call "self-organizing processes", that will consist of business projects and entrepreneurial ideas, properly explained. Some of the topics that I'ld like to cover will be: * Direct Marketing Optimization * Attribution Modelling * Revenue Growth Management * Viral Marketing Simulation * HVAC - Energy Optimization * Predictive Maintenence * Market Development Simulation etc.

Description of the section "Cognitive Extension"

I'm planning to use this section to link videos in which I'll speak about mathematical algorithms that can be used to enhance our cognitive system by means of Machine Learning and, moreover, Artificial Intelligence. Some of the topics that I'ld like to cover will be: * Introduction to Artificial Intelligence * Computer Vision Algorithms * Natural Language Processing * Reinforcement Learning * Artificial Neural Networks * Metaheuristic Algorithms * Muti-Agent Systems * Model Predictive Control etc.

Description of the section "Big Data - Readings"

I'm planning to use this section to link videos in which I'll speak about readings about the Digital revolution and the Big Data phenomenon. Some of the books that I'ld like to analyze will be: * N.Y.Harari's "Homo Deus" * Nick Bostrom's "Superintelligence" * Martin Ford's "The Rise of the Robots" * Ray Kurzweill's "The Singularity is Near" * Evgeny Morozov's "To Save Something..." * Yochai Benkler's "The Wealth of Networks" etc.

Analytics & Beers 2017

A lo largo de 2017 tuve la ocasión de intervenir dos veces en las Conferencias de Analytics & Beers, organizadas por Accenture y por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. En ambos casos expliqué cómo mediante algoritmos de aprendizaje por refuerzo es posible llevar a cabo la optimización de sistemas de climatización (HVAC) de forma automática y progresiva. En particular, nuestros algoritmos de aprendizaje por refuerzo se ejecutaban sobre un segundo tipo de modelos de machine learning, en este caso de tipo supervisado que nos brindaban un entorno de simulación con el que reducir los costes de aprendizaje en tiempo real. De este modo, mediante redes neuronales artificiales, se generaba un entorno de simulación predictivo sobre el que se aplicaban diferentes algoritmos de aprendizaje por refuerzo (combinando colonias de hormigas con lógica difusa) bajo un marco analítico llamado "Model Predictive Control (MPC)".

About my PhD Thesis

My doctoral thesis  " Big Data, Ampliación Cognitiva, Procesos de Autoorganización y Desarrollo Económico "  was born as an effort to improve our comprehension of the emerging phenomenon called “Big Data” and its potential impacts on the Economy, in particular Economic Development and fight against poverty. Big Data include in the first place data generated by billions of people in a decentralized way through the Social Media. Another important aspect of Big Data is the evolution of the services and business processes due to the Digital Transformation, and last, but not least, we should also consider the growing data flow originated by the Internet of Things. Given the immensity of this challenge, the first question is targeted at exploring to what extent the current economic theories could be used as a basis for analyzing this new disruptive phenomenon, especially since many experts in the new age of Big Data are sceptical about possibility of fitting it within...

Sobre mi tesis doctoral

Mi tesis doctoral " Big Data, Ampliación Cognitiva, Procesos de Autoorganización y Desarrollo Económico " nació con el propósito de mejorar nuestra comprensión acerca del emergente fenómeno del Big Data y de sus potenciales repercusiones sobre la Economía, especialmente en lo referente al desarrollo económico y a la lucha contra la pobreza. Nos encontramos ante un fenómeno que abarca, en primer lugar, todo tipo de datos generados de forma descentralizada por cualquier persona a través de los Social Media; en segundo lugar, la Transformación Digital de las empresas y los cambios en sus modelos de negocio a raíz de la virtualización de procesos y servicios; por último, también habría que considerar el creciente flujo de datos procedentes del Internet de las Cosas, es decir, de máquinas que captan datos de su entorno a través de sensores, los transforman y emiten nuevos datos a la red, pudiendo explotarlos para coordinarse a través de sofisticados algoritmos de inteligencia ar...